Purlin Accessories

C & Z Purlins, Girts and Accessories

Roofmart provides a variety of Z purlins and C purlins available in sizes from 100mm to 400mm and girts and accessories. These can be cut to length and are offered either punched or unpunched. All purlins and girts are crafted from high tensile, G450, G500, or G550 galvanised steel, with a minimum Z350 coating.

Purlins serve as structural steel components in lightweight buildings, but they must be used following a design certified by an engineer. Choosing the correct coating weight is essential when specifying purlins. A Z350 coating is suitable for many applications, provided the environment is not highly corrosive. For environments with high corrosion potential, specify Z450 and consider additional corrosion protection, such as powder coating.

Metroll C section purlin.C Section Purlins

C Section purlins are typically roll-formed from GALVASPANĀ® steel. Metroll C Section purlins are ideal for straightforward, non-continuous span constructions. They are commonly used in structural applications such as portal frames, roofing, single bay buildings, wall cladding, and flooring systems. Additionally, these purlins can be utilized in multi-bay structures with simple spanning purlins and girts.

Available sizes range from C10010 to C40030.

Metroll Z section purlin.Z Section Purlins

Z Section purlins are also generally roll-formed from GALVASPANĀ® steel. Metroll Z Section purlins feature one wide flange and one narrow flange, designed for precise fitting. They are used in lapping at internal supports, creating structurally continuous purlin lines that extend the full length of the building.

  • Z profile sections allow for lapping
  • Improved load capacity and rigidity with lapped Z sections
  • Option to lap Z Sections in various combinations.
  • Available in a range of steel grades
  • Spans further
  • Factory hole-punch options available

Product Data Sheets

Metroll Purlin Data Guide

Metroll Standard Purlins