Metal Roof Battens

Metal Roof Battens

Roofmart metal roof battens are an effective alternative to timber battens or purlins.  Available in standard 0.55mm and 0.75mm gauge for cyclonic areas.

Standard Metal Roof Batten
0.55mm BMT G550 40mm high

Cyclonic Metal Roof Batten
0.75mm BMT G550 40mm high

Metal roof battens are available in MTO lengths. Roofmart roof battens may vary slightly between branches. Contact your local Roofmart for more information.

Metal Roof Batten Advantages:

  • Lightweight with the strength of steel
  • Easy to handle and easy to store
  • Straight & true
  • Termite & Bora proof
  • Fire resistant
  • Durable & rot free

Metal roof battens data sheets displaying ceiling batten sizes, roof batten sizes.

Datasheets Available

Metroll metal roof batten and top hats data sheets


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